Meetings — Sept. 19, 2023

Published 6:00 pm Monday, September 18, 2023

Tuesday, Sept. 19

Morrow County Parks Committee, 10-11 a.m., OHV Park, 71000 E. Morphine Lane, Heppner. For the meeting packet, visit

Pendleton Parks and Recreation Commission, noon, Pendleton City Hall Community Room, 500 S.W. Dorion Ave. For the agenda and zoom meeting information visit

Ione School District Board of Directors, 4:30 p.m., Ione Elementary School, 445 Spring St., Ione. For more information, visit or call 541-422-7131.

Boardman City Council, online training workshop, 6 p.m. To access the session via Zoom, use For more information, call Boardman City Hall at 541-481-9252.

Pendleton Development Commission, 6 p.m., city hall council chambers, 500 S.W. Dorion Ave., Pendleton. For the agenda and zoom meeting information visit

Umatilla City Council, 6 p.m., city hall council chambers, 700 Sixth St., Umatilla. Zoom information for this meeting is available at

Stanfield City Council, 6:30 p.m., council chambers, 150 W. Coe Ave., Stanfield. For more information, call 541-449-1254.

Pendleton City Council, 7 p.m., city hall council chambers, 500 S.W. Dorion Ave., Pendleton. For the agenda and zoom meeting information visit

Wednesday, Sept. 20

Umatilla County Board of Commissioners, 9 a.m., Umatilla County Courthouse, 216 S.E. Fourth St., Pendleton, room 130. For more information, including how to attend virtually, visit

Blue Mountain Community College Board of Education, executive session 5 p.m., regular meeting 6 p,.m., BMCC, Pioneer Hall boardroom, 2411 N.W. Carden Ave., Pendleton. For more information, including for the Zoom link, visit
