Hermiston Farm Fair accepts vendors through Nov. 29

Published 5:00 am Friday, November 22, 2024

HERMISTON — Vendors still have time to join the Hermiston Farm Fair.

The event is Dec. 4-5, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Eastern Oregon Trade and Event Center, 1705 E. Airport Road. The doors open both days at 7 a.m.

Vendors must register by Friday, Nov. 29. Indoor vendor space ranges from $300-$400. Also, outdoor display space is $200. For more information, contact Audra Workman, of the Hermiston Herald and East Oregonian, at 541-567-4538 or aworkman@eastoregonian.com.

The Farm Fair is presented through a partnership with the Hermiston Agricultural Research and Extension Center of Oregon State University, the East Oregonian, Hermiston Herald and EOTEC. It features more than four dozen presentations. The first day of this year’s event focuses on potatoes, vegetables and general agriculture. The second day highlights best management practices and cereals.

It includes speakers from across the Pacific Northwest and beyond. Pesticide recertification credits are available for Oregon, Idaho and Washington, as well as certified crop adviser credits. For more information, visit agsci.oregonstate.edu/harec/farm-fair.
