Letter: Pendleton city officials miss the mark

Published 9:00 am Monday, February 17, 2025

Just recently, Richland, Washington, city officials submitted a ballot measure for voter approval for construction of a performing arts center, and it failed miserably. This was despite a recent survey showing overwhelmingly public support for the project. City officials are perplexed on how this could be possible.

Generally, it’s the people supporting such a project that complete those surveys so the results are skewed. Pendleton city officials tend to follow the same route when presenting a project and also claim overwhelming public support.

The big difference? To avoid an embarrassing failure, the Pendleton City Council approves the project based on the city manager’s recommendation rather than putting before the voters. It gives the appearance that the city council is more interested in pleasing city management and special interest groups rather than serving the best interests of the general public.

Rick Rohde

