Letter: Trump is the right one for the job
Published 2:54 am Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Upon learning that no letter to the editor supporting the current president has been received by the East Oregonian, I had to dash off something before the opportunity passed.
Yes, there have been many letters calling the president nasty names, we’ve gotten used to it. And The Donald is an easy target; a pushy, spoiled rich kid who usually gets his own way. But there was really no other option, and he won the election by a large majority. I believe that the people who elected him like what he’s doing, so why comment on it?
Since he was elected, he has begun implementing his election promises, as much as he can, considering that almost all of the media and many opponents in Congress still do whatever they can to disparage him. He has shut down the border regarding illegal migrants (by 90%) and he has began cutting waste, fraud and wild spending. Incredible expenditures for ridiculous reasons are reported daily, so many and so huge I will not attempt to recount them. He is restructuring the government for the better against a bureaucracy that is unbelievably corrupt and well entrenched.
He is exactly the right man in the White House, at exactly the right time.
Cliff Heck
Mount Vernon