Federal agency offers $10,000 reward in killing of wolf in Morrow County

Published 8:37 am Monday, December 23, 2024

PORTLAND — The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is offering a $10,000 reward in the illegal killing of a wolf in Morrow County in early November.

The male wolf, which was fitted with a radio-tracking collar, was found dead Nov. 8 on private property about 20 miles south of Heppner, according to the federal agency.

The wolf was west of Highway 395. Wolves in Oregon west of that highway, and west of Highways 78 and 95 in Southeastern Oregon, are listed as endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act.

Wolves east of those highways, an area that includes about 75% of Oregon’s estimated wolf population of about 180, have not been under federal protection since 2011. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife manages wolves in the eastern part of the state.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, along with the Oregon State Police, is investigating the killing of the wolf in Morrow County.

The $10,000 reward is for information that leads to an arrest, a criminal conviction, or civil penalty assessment.

Anyone with information should call the Fish and Wildlife Service at 503-682-6131, or OSP at 800-452-7888, or email TIP@osp.oregon.gov. Callers can remain anonymous.
