
Anniversary: Jack and Katie Johns

Jack and Katie (Herburger) Johns are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary. The Johns are cattle ranchers in Fox, ...


Anniversary: Sam and Dottie Pambrun

Sam and Dottie (Coffin) Pambrun of Adams celebrated 50 years of marriage Friday, Aug. 16, 2019, with family ...


Anniversary: Dave and Kaye Cummings

Dave and Kaye Cummings will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on Aug. 2, 2019. Married in Vale, ...


Anniversary | Herald and Jeanne Echols

Col. Herald and Jeanne (Pentecost) Echols of Hermiston are celebrating their 74th wedding anniversary May 20, 2019. The ...


Engagement: Hale-Breen

Hannah Hale and Aaron Breen of Spokane are announcing their engagement. Hannah, the daughter of Kevin and Lori ...


Anniversary: Jack and Vicki Kelley

Former Pendleton residents Jack and Vicki Kelley are celebrating 64 years of marriage on Feb. 14, 2019. Jack ...


Anniversary | Harold and Sarah Bruce

Harold and Sarah Bruce of Hermiston were married Jan. 24, 1969, in Winterhaven, Calif. They are celebrating their ...


Anniversary: James and Carlotta Henslee

Jim and Carlotta (Hudemann) Henslee celebrated their 65th anniversary on November 27, 2018. They celebrated at their home ...


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Good Shepherd Medical Center, Hermiston NOV. 14, 2018 MERCER — Melissa M. Mercer and Micah L. Mercer of ...


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St. Anthony Hospital, Pendleton NOV. 8, 2018 HENSLEY — Elizabeth S. Hinze and Shon K. Hensley of Pendleton: ...

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