
Out and About: Thankful for thoughtful snowplow drivers

Snowplow drivers’ chief task is to ensure travelers can go, but sometimes I appreciate even more the ability ...


Shooting the Breeze: As hunting season ends, gear shopping season begins

Hunting seasons are over for a few months before spring bear and turkey kick off. We have some ...


Shooting the Breeze: 2025 centennial cartridge: the .270 Winchester

Happy New Year, everyone! Like no doubt many of you, 2024 was not the best year of my ...


Out and About: Searching for Snotels

My endeavor to visit automated snow-measuring sites is much closer to quixotic than to Homeric. A litany of ...


Shooting the Breeze: Alternative meat preservation

We live in a truly blessed country with all of the most modern conveniences on demand at our ...


Over the Blues: The quest for a Holy Grail

Monty Python pursued the Holy Grail. I am on a quest to reach a tree. It looks tiny ...


This Land is Our Land: Saving wildlife habitat and federal dollars

Since the November election, the incoming administration has been throwing around a lot of ideas about ways to ...


Other Views: It’s the wind, stupid

As I write this, the Los Angeles fires are still burning. The loss of property, the disruption and ...


Other Views: Large trees vital to protecting water

The “21-inch rule” protects trees that are 21 inches in diameter or larger at breast height on six ...


Shooting the Breeze: DIY custom rifle

Let me just start by saying that unless you are a high-end competitive shooter, nobody really needs a ...

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