
Letter: Large trees vital to water

Lia Spiegal missed the point of my column in her response. But she recognized all the general relationships ...


CTUIR oppose Colville Tribes casino in Pasco

The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation strongly objects to the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation’s ...


Out and About: Peering into the past of NE Oregon wildlife

I am treated occasionally to a written historical account so vivid in its details that I feel almost ...


This Land is Our Land: Fear and chaos in the Blue Mountains

Like many Americans, I have been watching with a mixture of horror and befuddlement the flood of actions ...


Letters to the editor — print only

I was saddened to hear of Mike Forrester’s passing. Mike, the Forrester family and the Brown family were ...


Letter: Pendleton city officials miss the mark

Just recently, Richland, Washington, city officials submitted a ballot measure for voter approval for construction of a performing ...


Letter: Idaho not greater on vaccine denial

In Southwestern Idaho a regional medical board agreed to prohibit public health clinics in that six-county region from ...


Other Views: Mildrexler wrong on specifics in Blue Mountains forests

Although the general ideas David Mildrexler wrote (the column “Large trees are vital to protect water,” in the ...


Shooting the Breeze: Are we too successful?

Back in the day, I figured out that if I set my scope to nine power, I could ...


Letter: Wallowa County neighbors are a blessing

When we arrived at our second home in Enterprise on Feb. 5, we found 8-10 inches of new ...

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