Tell us what you want in your Herald

Published 5:10 pm Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hello there.

My folks always taught me that a proper introduction is the best way to meet people, so lets start from there:

My name is Neill Woelk. I was recently named editor of the Hermiston Herald, and I could not be more excited about the job, the opportunities, the area and the people.

In some ways, Im returning home although until about a month ago, Id never had the pleasure of visiting Hermiston.

Let me explain.

I was born and raised in a small town on the eastern plains of Colorado. The area was known for its dryland wheat, cattle, onions, potatoes, some pretty doggone good watermelons, and a tough high school wrestling team. (Sound familiar?)

I grew up at the county fair, high school football games and wrestling matches. It was a place where you not only knew your neighbors, but you lent a hand when they needed one because you knew theyd do the same for you.

I knew the sheriff (and yes, he knew me thats a story for another time), the bankers and doctors, the owner of the feed store and the best guy in town to work on an old Ford pickup. My teachers and coaches also were our neighbors and friends, and while our little town had all kinds of folks from all kinds of backgrounds, there was one common thread:

We were all darned proud of our community.

Thus, when my wife and I visited Hermiston for the first time, I looked around as we drove into town and said, Im home. This is where I grew up.

And Im glad to be here.

In between the eastern plains of Colorado and Hermiston, I spent the last 30-plus years in Boulder, Colo. I attended the University of Colorado, then worked for the Boulder Daily Camera as a sports writer, columnist and editor. Honestly, I never really gave much thought to leaving until this opportunity came up.

When it did, I jumped, and here I am.

Now, since Im new in town, Im going to ask a favor.

Let me get to know you.

The way I see it, my job is to run your newspaper. Yes, your newspaper.

I know, there are folks who actually own the Herald (and theyre good people, by the way. I met them, and I wouldnt be here if they werent).

But I believe a newspaper really belongs to the town and while my job says editor, it just means Ive been entrusted with the privilege of making sure you get the newspaper you deserve.

I take that job very seriously.

So introduce yourself. Tell me what you want to read in your paper. Tell me what you like that we already do, and tell me what youd like to see in the future.

Tell me whats important but most of all, tell me about you.

I know its going to take me a while to get up to speed. But while I might not know a heck of a lot (and my wife will back that up), I already know this much about Hermiston: Its a vibrant, bustling community with a ton of potential and the work ethic to back it up. I see a town that cant wait to keep improving, a town thats bursting with energy and ideas and people who are itching to bring that potential to fruition.

I see a great place thats only going to get better.

Right now, I believe the Herald has a solid staff of young reporters who do a good job and were going to keep improving. Our goal is actually pretty simple: make the Herald the newspaper that Hermiston deserves. We want to grow with you, to be a part of the community and be a part of the future that is so bright.

So let us know what you are up to. My wife, Sue, and I will be doing our best to get out and see as much of the town and area as we can, and wed love it if you introduced yourself. If you see us out and about (shes the good-looking one), please say hello.

Meanwhile, dont hesitate to stop by. If Im in the Herald office, Id love to see you but fair warning, I dont plan on living in the office. You cant cover a community from behind a desk.  But I will be easy to find. My e-mail is; my office phone is 541-564-4533; my cell phone is 720-839-5577. Give me a call or drop me a note.

 The Herald is your paper. We want it to be one you are proud of.
