Flores graduates from National Guard program
Published 9:00 am Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Hermiston’s Elias Flores graduated from the Oregon National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program (OYCP), a statewide alternative high school, Dec. 15 at the Deschutes County Fairgrounds in Redmond.
Graduation indicates the completion of the 5 1/2-month residential phase of the program. The class includes cadets from 51 high schools and 18 Oregon counties. This graduation marks the 40th class to graduate from the program.
Upon graduating from the program, Cadet Flores earned his GED.
During the program, 24 of the 125 cadets received high school diplomas, five earned GEDs and 96 cadets earned enough credits to return to high school to graduate with their classes.
As part of their training, all 125 cadets earned their food handler permits, as well as first-aid and CPR certification. In addition, 117 donated blood through the American Red Cross.