Letter: Thanks for help with Fellowship Dinner
Published 11:43 am Friday, December 31, 2010
We live in such an awesome community! A little over four weeks ago, 20 churches, businesses, organizations and volunteers came together for a successful Community Fellowship Dinner on Thanksgiving Day. Serving a traditional menu of roasted turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, lightly seasoned sliced carrots with peas, fruit salad, rolls and a large variety of pies left guests filled and happy.
Then, just four weeks later, the community again came together to offer the Community Fellowship Dinner Christmas meal on Christmas Day. The menu provided ham with raisin sauce (there was a limited amount of roast turkey and stuffing for those who couldnt have ham), mashed potatoes and gravy, lightly seasoned baby carrots, fruit salad, rolls and pies.
Both dinners saw a large number of first-time volunteers. In fact, so many volunteered for our Christmas dinner, there werent enough jobs for everyone. Volunteers came from churches, businesses, our local community and those that surround us. They greeted our guests as they came into a festively decorated Senior Center. Many families, some who have volunteered for three or more generations, served 598 meals on Thanksgiving day and 592 meals on Christmas day.
Thank you so much to all the churches, business, organizations and volunteers who support this ministry. God bless our community.
In Him,
Laurie S. Ball-Kiser Hermiston