Power council seeks recommendations on fish, dams

Published 2:00 pm Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The Northwest Power and Conservation Council is seeking public comment as it updates its fish and wildlife program.

The council represents Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Montana. The council works to ensure the region has an adequate, efficient, economical, and reliable power supply; to protect, mitigate, and enhance fish and wildlife impacted by the hydroelectric system in the Columbia River Basin; and to do so with broad public participation, according to a council press release.

In December, the council reported a 10-year rolling average of 2.3 million adult salmon and steelhead returning to the basin, an improvement from an average of 1.3 million fish in the 1990s, but below the annual goal of 5 million fish returning.

“2024 provided clear examples of both progress and challenges: the Basin saw record-setting adult returns of Okanagan Basin sockeye and Willamette River coho, yet the need remains for efforts to support, rebuild, and reintroduce, where appropriate, weaker stocks in the Basin,” the press release states.

The Council updates the Fish and Wildlife Program every five years based on recommendations from regional tribes, state and federal agencies, local governments, nonprofits, energy customers, regional utilities, the general public, and more.

Bonneville Power Administration funds these efforts to fulfill its mitigation responsibilities under the Northwest Power Act. The program currently provides about $300 million annually to support more than 300 projects and initiatives throughout the basin.

Deadline for submissions is April 17. The council aims to adopt the updated program in spring of 2026.
