Latest Columnists Archives - hermistonherald


Management tactics in nurse negotiations ‘heavy-handed’

There were empty tables at this year’s Good Shepherd Christmas event. Many nurses chose to attend a separate ...


Breaking down traffic trial basics

Trial procedure is, in some ways, amazingly simple. Each side is telling a story and asking the judge ...


The importance of chambers of commerce

If the poet John Donne were alive today, he would have said this about the regional approach to ...


Don’t get angry about what you can’t control

During Novembers final days, the air was way beyond crisp, as its brittleness cracked the morn. Should the ...


Encouraging job growth in rural Oregon

If we want more jobs created, we need more start-ups. Start-ups equal new ideas, new products, new services, ...


Land management agencies hinder rural entrepreneurs

Rural communities throughout Oregon provide a cultural foundation for entrepreneurs. One of the reasons for this is that ...


Tell us what you want in your Herald

Hello there. My folks always taught me that a proper introduction is the best way to meet people, ...


Local Red Cross volunteers – My take

When disaster strikes in Umatilla or Morrow counties, theres a good chance a local Red Cross volunteer will ...


‘Outcry’ for tax cuts not justified

 Cut My Taxes! Americans have heard this cry for years and weve heard it shouted angrily in recent ...


Eastern Oregon Trade and Event Center – My Take

Tie up the horses to the hitching post.  Wow, in the last week the paper has been loaded ...

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